The second is mainly raised by Polish historians, namely that the emperor wouldn't have had the right to make a fief out of lands he did not control in the first place. The German Orders should answer exclusively to the sovereignty of the Pope. The first would be that in the Golden Bull of Rieti (Pietati proximum) the pope claims sovereignty over the Teutonic Order and its lands, while at the same expressly forbidding any other feudal relationships for it. even though many, vainly besought with numerous exertions in this business, gave up (defecerunt) just when they seemed about to set forth, grant the land of Prussia to the same Master along with the forces of his order and with all those who think to invade … especially because the land itself is held under the sole rule of the Empire (sub monarchia imperii), trusting also in the judgment (prudentia) of the same Master, because he is a man mighty both in deed and word and through his own and his brethren's perseverance is mightily undertaking and manfully carrying out the conquest of that land. The bull declared that the whole country was part of the Roman-German Empire. Or language that does plainly state such:
Adicimus insuper et gratia nostra, quod idem magister et successores sui iurisdictionem et potestatem illam habeant et exerceant in terris suis, quam aliquis princeps imperii melius habere dinoscitur in terra, quam habet, ut bonos usus et consuetudines ponant, assisias faciant et statuta, quibus et fides credentium roboretur et omnes eorum subditi pace tranquilla gaudeant et utantur. The Golden Bull of Rimini uses language that might imply making the Grand Master into a prince of the empire: The contemporary Imperial Register (Reichsmatrikel) lists contribtions to be made from the order, but only for the western bailiwicks, not the Prussian lands. A lot of maps depicting the medieval empire include those lands, other do not. Kt.This is not easy to decide and another Wikipedia article notes that the matter would be 'disputed among historians'. Her Excellency Baroness Graciela Torres-Rodríguez, FamOT. His Excellency Baron Nagdy Roshdy Mehany, FamOT. His Excellency Baron Alexander Williamson, FamOT. His Excellency Baron Christopher Williamson, FamOT. ( Count and Baron of The Holy Roman Empire ) Kt.HREĬount / Graf and Baron / Freiherr DiLeo-Vulic. His Excellency Count Dr Peter DiLeo-Vulic, OT. ( Princely Count, Baron and Knight of The Holy Roman Empire ) Princely Count / Graf and Baron / Freiherr Borjikin. His Highness Prince Steven Harold Borjikin, Kt.HRE. The Imperial Nobility of Holy Roman Empire